
Sustainable Territory Ribeirão do Boi (Minas Gerais)


Sponsored by Usiminas S.A., the project started in 2011 aiming to catalyze and integrate social, environmental and economic actions for the sustainable development of the Ribeirão do Boi Water Basin.

Its main activities include:

  • Creation of a regional development center in the city of Ipatinga (Minas Gerais);
  • Collection, systematization and sharing of data regarding environmental and productive aspects of the river basin;
  • Hydrologic modeling;
  • Training of local and regional leaders;
  • Rural extension for dairy cattle breeders;
  • Registration of rural properties in CAR (National Rural Environmental Registry);
  • Participation in local events;
  • Installation of a Technological Reference Unit for dairy cattle breeding and silvo-pastoral systems;
  • Promoting partnerships and strengthening governance in the river basin;
  • Development of a landscape restoration plan for the river basin.

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