
Who we are

The Bioatlântica Institute (IBIO) is a non-profit organization, established in 2002 by individuals, companies and NGOs dedicated to sustainability. We work alongside the government, civil society and the productive sector to improve the quality of life in Brazil and the environment.

IBIO is formed by qualified professionals with knowledge and experience in forest restoration, sustainable agriculture, landscape ecology, watershed management and adaptation to climate change. Our team is continuously seeking models which pave the way for investment funding into natural infrastructure in order to increase the resilience of river basin eco-systems.

The position of IBIO is always technical, transparent, non-partisan and autonomous.




The founding of IBIO - Management - André Guimarães and Beto Mesquita


1st The Forest Dialogue held in Brazil


Launch of The Forest Dialogue for the Atlantic Forest and Pampa Biome


The founding of The Fórum Florestal da Bahia


Commencement of the Programa Paisagens Sustentáveis (Sustainable Landscapes Program) in eastern basin of Guanabara Bay, especially in the Guapi-Macacu River Basin


Commencement of the Forests for Life Project in collaboration with the state government of Espírito Santo, and financed by the World Bank.


IBIO is awarded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)


Commencement of the Forests for Life Project (Espírito Santo)


Launch of the book “Meu pé de Mata Atlântica”


Commencement of the Monte Pascoal - Pau Brazil Ecological Corridor Program (Bahia)


Establishment of the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact


Launch of IGEO


Launch of Programa ProdutorES de Água (The Water Producers Program) (Espírito Santo)


Signing of pact for the integrated management of Rio Doce among the Federal Government, the State Governments of Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo and the River Basin Committees


IBIO becomes a signatory on the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact


Book release of “Brasil Atlântico: um país com a raiz na mata”


Management - Eduardo Figueiredo


IBIO receives delegation from CNRH to act as a Rio Doce River Basin Agency; signs contracts with ANA, IGAM and CBHs and establishes IBIO AGB-Doce


Launch of the book “Gestão Integrada do Território” (Integrated Management of the Territory) and “Um novo paradigma da sustentabilidade” (A New Paradigm of Sustainability), during Rio+20


Establishment of the Territorial Development Center of the Ribeirão do Boi River Basin (Ipatinga, Minas Gerais)


Signing of the Doce River Basin Pact with the state governments of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo


Founding of the Centro do Desenvolvimento de Águas e Florestas na Bacia do Rio Doce (Water and Forestry Development Center for the Rio Doce River Basin)—(Espírito Santo)


Launch of the Water Availability Program for the Rio Doce River Basin (PDA DOCE) with the collaboration of FIEMG, FAEMG, governments and private businesses


IBIO receives new delegation from CNRH to act as an environmental agency for the Rio Doce River Basin until 2020


IBIO becomes a regional agency for the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact for Espirito Santo and the Rio Doce River Basin


Renewal of IBIO - AGB DOCE management contracts with ANA and IGAM


To improve the quality of the environment and promote integrated management of land resources as a means to generating economic development, social equality and human well-being.


We see a future with organized territories, where natural resources are used rationally and sensibly by a society that is fully aware and knowledgeable of the part it plays in the sustainability of this system.


• Commitment to concrete results
• Actions guided by knowledge
• The search for innovation
• Determination in both thinking and acting
• Construction with diversity
• Ethics
• Proactivity
• Efficiency
• Transparency

Advisory Board

IBIO was created in February 2002 as a result of a dialogue between key figures such as Erling Lorentzen, Eliezer Batista and Raphael de Almeida Magalhaes, and organizations such as Aracruz Celulose, Conservation International, DuPont do Brasil, Petrobras and Veracel Celulose who saw the opportunity to create a Brazilian organization to contribute to sustainable development. Overtime, the original idea of recovering the Atlantic Forest biome has been expanded and IBIO has gained new members and associates.

The Advisory Board is to ensure proper management, define strategies and support the autonomy and freedom of the technical positioning of IBIO’s executive body.

Meet our advisors and the representatives of our institutions who comprise our Advisory Board:


The Advisory Board:
President and Founding Member: Erling Lorentzen
Vice-President: Haakon Lorentzen (Lorentzen Group)
Founding Member: Eliezer Batista
Members: Alysson Paulinelli | Ernst Brugger| Marcos Azambuja | Alexandre Gonçalves Fachin (Petrobras) | Antônio Sérgio Alípio (Veracel) | Fernando Veiga (TNC – The Nature Conservancy) | Olavo Machado (FIEMG) | Paulo Eduardo Rocha Brant (Cenibra) Surrogates: Renato Carneiro (Veracel) | Rubens Benini (TNC)

Supervisory board:
Jedaias Jorge Salum (Cenibra) | Pilar de Lemos Leoni Castro y Peres (Grupo Lorentzen) | Wagner Soares (FIEMG) | Suplente: Odorico Pereira de Araújo (FIEMG)
Suplente: Odorico Pereira de Araújo (FIEMG)

Our Partners

A project never becomes a reality, much less yields results, if it is not the result of collective action. To promote its activities, IBIO builds on the coordination and mobilization of public and private organizations, civil society, the third sector, educational and research institutions, among other areas.

• National Agency of Waters (ANA)
• Cenibra S.A.
• Hydrographic Basins Committees of Rio Doce
• Conservation Internacional (CI)
• Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of Minas Gerais (Emater/State of Minas Gerais)
• Brazilian Company of Agriculture Research (Embrapa)
• Federation of Agriculture of Minas Gerais (Faemg)
• Federation of Industry of Minas Gerais (Fiemg)
• Fibria
• RenovaFoundation
• Ruralminas Foundation
• Institute of Water Management of the State of Minas Gerais (IGAM)
• Lorentzen Group
• The Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact
• The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
• Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF/MG)
• Federal University of Viçosa (UFV)
• Usiminas
• Veracel

Institutional Representation

In addition to the signed partnerships, IBIO is also part of several forums and groups with regional, national and/or international performance, aiming to strengthen the governance in their performance territories, identify opportunities and synergies, exchange information and experience, and contribute to efforts aligned with their mission.
• FSC (Forest Stewardship Council)
• Water Observatory
• Climate Observatory
• Council Manager of ABC Plan of Minas Gerais
• Network of NPOs of Atlantic Forest
• Management Committee of Sossego-Caratinga Ecological Corridor – State of Minas Gerais
• Forest Forum of the State of Espírito Santo
• Southern and Southernmost Forest Forum of the State of Bahia


CEO: Eduardo Figueiredo
International Relations Consultant: Inguelore Scheunemann

Financial Administration:
Financial Administrative Manager:
Marcia Silveira
Financial Team: Denise Claret | Gabriela Salim | Marcia Marcial | Rosilda Maria dos Santos | Silvio Gazeta

Rafaela Rodrigues

Executive Advisor:
Flavio Pinheiro
Operational Manager: Amanda de Andrade
Management Team: Narliane Martins | Rodrigo Borges |Taís Estrela | Thiago Belote | Thomás Ferreira

Manager: Marco Follador
Team: Alisson Lopes | Ângelo Horta de Abreu |Geraldo Henrique Correa

AGB Doce:
Ricardo Valory
Technical Director: Fabiano Henrique da Silva Alves
Team: Bárbara Emily Raush Neves | Caroline Barcelar Cândido | Cynthia Franco Andrade | Eduardo de Freitas Costa | Felipe Ribeiro Floriano Borges | Gustavo Pereira | Juliana Vilela Pinto | Juliana Rabelo Vilela | Laura Machado | Lúcio Moacir Gonçalves de Assis | Luísa Poyares Cardoso | Marisa Soares Pacheco | Miquéias Calebe Donde | Miriam Celeste Libório | Rossini Pena Abrantes | Tháyra Roberta Mendes

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