
Restauração Florestal do Corredor Ecológico Pau Brasil – Monte Pascoal (BA)


Implemented in 2009, this program focuses on contributing to the restoration of the vegetation cover and promoting connectivity between Pau Brasil National Park and Monte Pascoal National Park in Southern Bahia. The initiative has received funding from several institutions, including Natura, TNC, Instituto CO2 Zero, Coelba, KFW Bank aus Verantworking, Petrobras, and is also supported by local landowners, Veracel Celulose and ICMBio.

Its main actions are:

  • The recruitment and training of workers among residents of local communities;
  • The acquisition of native species of the Atlantic Forest in local plant nurseries;
  • Planting and maintenance of an area of 250 hectares in the biome in the Caraíva River Basin;
  • Monitoring of reforestation processes;
  • Collaboration with the managers of protected areas.
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